Four Reasons Why a Car Wash Makes a Great Holiday Present

Happy December! Are you unsure what to give as a holiday present? Here are four reasons why getting your loved one’s car washed or detailed will make a great present: 

One | A Gift for All 

It’s not specific, anyone can be gifted a car wash! As long as that person drives there is no specification for gender or religion. Although it’s not specific, it can still feel personal, as it’s the effort that makes the gift so memorable. 

Two | Because It’s Safer 

A clean car is a safe car! Without all the dirt covering the windshields, windows, and mirrors, you gift recipient will have a better view of the road! So not only does the car look nice, it provides everyone a peace of mind! 

Three | Relief 

I’m sure most get busy around this season or even in general! If your gift recipient is super swamped with a heavy workload, this will alleviate stress by simply taking one thing off their list. Not only is something they don’t have to do, it’s another thing they don’t have to spend on! Saves them time and money! 

Four | Cleaner Appearance 

Generally speaking, who doesn’t love the look and smell of a clean car? You can do it right before the holidays so it’s all fresh for travel or because it just looks nice! And washing cars frequently, keeps the overall look and paint of a car maintained! 

So if you’re in the mood of giving, head on over to Overland Carwash! We also have some gifts for you! Before heading over, check out our “Monthly Coupons” to score some great deals while you’re at! It’s a win-win! The gift that just keeps giving! 

Pro tip: If you get the X-MAS Stocking Stuffer Gift Certificate, you get a FREE OCW Special Wash at the time of purchase. Which means you, you buy a gift (3 OCW Special Wash - Gift Certificate) and you get a gift for you!



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